Slice of life

This is my slice of life here we go. So once I was with my grandpa in the meadow taking my goats horses and cows and I asked my grandpa if I could ride my fourwheeler and he said yes so I ran to grab it and I took it out of the little garage and I drove it out to the meadow and I saw one of the baby goats and it was walking to its mom so I had to slow down and I was going so fast I braked and turned the handle so I don’t hit the goat and the fourwheeler flip over and the exhauste pipe pop and it caught flames grandpa grabbed dirt and put out the flames and he ran to grab his tractor and picked up the fourwheeler and I could not stand up because the fourwheeler was on my leg and my grandpa had to rush me to the hospital to put a cast on my leg when I got back to my house everybody was so worried and when I walked in and everybody started hugging me and saying if I was ok with their voices breaking they started to cry.

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