
Once I was with my grandpa and I was helping him cut the grass that I did not see a stump and I went over it and the blade broke so we spent all day fixing it and when we fixed it the lawn mower did not work and we were so mad.


Once I was with my grandpa taking the goats to the meadow and I saw that one goat was on the ground I ran to it and saw it was having a baby l was so happy I ran to my grandpa and told him when we got there it was still giving birth and me and my grandpa helped it when it came out it was tiny and cute.


Once my sister was making a volcano and she was going to make the lava and instead of struggling mixing ingredients she grabbed a two liter coke and mentos and she poured the coke and then the mentos and it made a huge explosion it was awesome that we kept doing it all day long.


Once I was with my dad hiking and we were walking that we saw many creatures like deer,fish,birds,and last we saw a mystery animal and me and my dad were so excited that the keeper called it and we got to pet it and feed it If you want to know what animal it was come to me and I will tell you.


Once I was five years old and I was with my grandpa and I saw that there was chickens running after me I thought they were zombie chickens and I ran home telling my grandpa that the chickens were zombies and he told me that I just had corn in my pocket and I grabbed the corn and threw it.


Once I was with my grandpa at his farm and we were having a party and we saw a raccoon and I ran to get my BB gun and I aimed at his head and shot then I walked up to it and lifted it up and everybody was cheering and I went to the meadow and hunted for more and when I came back I had one small trailer full of raccoons and I went back and brought another trailer full of raccoons and we put them on the grill and we ate them.


Yesterday day I was playing with my dog and I was running and I stopped to take a break the my dog jumped on me and scratched me on my arm and now I have seven scars and they still hurt here is a picture of them. If you want to see them in real life instead of a picture come to me and I will show you.


Once I was with my mom and I was at the park and we saw a baby bird it was so cut and we saw it was injured by the leg and we saw it was tied to some kind of string and we grabbed the bird and took it home we took care of it until it heeled then when it heeled we let it go but every time we leave our door open when it is warm outside it always comes in.


Yesterday I was playing volleyball with my sisters and I hit the ball it hurt so bad it felt like 1000 tiny knives were poking me the I was playing that my hand was broken saying I need a doctor and making my hand wobbly and saying feel my hand.

Sol #26

Once I was with my grandpa and I was going to target practice with my bow and arrow and I shot I got a bullseye and my teacher said I was ready to hunt so I got my gear and I went up a tree in my stand and I was waiting and I saw a black bear and I aimed my bow at his chest and shot I got the bear in the chest so I let him run and then I followed the blood trail and when I found the bear I tied him by the feet and I called my grandpa to bring my fourwheeler and I waited to get my fourwheeler and I saw my grandpa and I tied the bear to the fourwheeler and I drove and showed my teacher and he congratulated me and I was happy.